The Influence Of Social Media On Behavior

In the article “How Social media is Influencing Your Behavior” (2010), Jordan Kasteler claims that networking through social media is a serious factor in the spreading of social epidemics. He supports this claim with statistical evidence about how humans are influenced by the behavior of people around them. Kasteler’s purpose is to educate his readers about how their behavior on social media can slightly influence their followers and led to significant changes in their lives. Kasteler is reaching out to all users of social media who have an interest in social psychology and behavior.

Social media can be a very slippery slope in terms of social interaction and behavioral influence. Kasteler said in his article “We all know that everyone is a product of their environment. Circumstantial life events, influences, and surroundings can further change our behavior”. It is interesting to see just how influential every picture, video, status update or tweet can be on the people to see view them. Humans are shaped by their surroundings and therefore are strongly influenced by the people they choose to surround themselves with. The majority of humans are unoriginal and pull their behavioral and emotional responses from the people or environment around them. It is important to think before you say or do because you influence the people around you just as much as they influence you.

Kasteler, Jordan. “How Social Media Is Influencing Your Behavior.” Search Engine Land. N.p., 04 May 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

One thought on “The Influence Of Social Media On Behavior

  1. I use social media to attempt to motivate and inspire others through my posts. Fitness and health has became a huge part of my life. A few months ago I decided to create a motivational page on Instagram to attempt to help others see the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. With that being said, I do agree that social media can affect peoples behavior in there physical lives.
    In this article Kastler Is claiming that influences on social media are making people all the same. I do not agree with that.
    How can we conduct research to prove whether influencing people on social media is a good or bad thing?


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