Media Violence and Its Impact

In Eugene V Beresin’s article “The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions”(2016), he claims that there is a strong correlation between media violence and aggressive behavior in children. He supports this claim statistical evidence about the increased acts of violence in media that children experience and how desensitized they are becoming. The purpose of this article is to address the problem of increasing child violence and how to best decrease their aggressive behavior by reducing their access to violent acts in the media. The use of academic language appeals to a well educated audience and more directly appeals to the adult population.

In America there has been an increase of child on child violence. The article states “the typical American child will view more than 200,000 acts of violence, including more than 16,000 murders before age 18. Television programs display 812 violent acts per hour; children’s programming, particularly cartoons, displays up to 20 violent acts hourly”. This increase in viewing of violent acts by youth is desensitizing kids to preforming these and is also reducing their ability to sympathize with pain. It is very important that a solution is found to lower the amount of violent acts that youth experience in society.


Beresin, Eugene V. “The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents:       Opportunities for Clinical Interventions.” America Academy of Child and         Adolescents Psychiatry. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.

2 thoughts on “Media Violence and Its Impact

  1. These statistics are very alarming as to how much violence is introduced to a child before they reach eighteen. How can we control the amount of violence a child sees? Even though there is an increase in violence seen by children, I know several children of all different ages who do not have a history of violent behavior. How do we prove this increase in violence on social media is a direct cause of increased violence in a child’s life?


  2. This is the area of technology that has the most frightening consequences in my opinion. Video games are literally brainwashing millions. These number are certainly alarming, and need more attention. Wouldn’t it make sense to use eye tracking systems and video games simultaneously to enhance performance in pilots? Athletes? Learning?


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