The War on Social Media

-Ross Heath

The article, Terror on Twitter, written by P.W. Singer and Emerson Brooking (2015) clearly demonstrates how ISIS is using the world of social media to recruit, intimidate and pass highly secrete messages securely. Singer and Brooking develop their claim by breaking down step by step the process of ISIS’s marketing scheme to lure in innocent men and women of all ages. Their claim is then supported by providing exact statistics of recent tragedies including death tolls such as, “American citizen and his wife to massacre 14 co-workers ata holiday party in San Bernardino, CA” and number of men and women lured into ISIS through social media i.e. Twitter and Instagram.

Singer and Brooking believe their purpose is to raise awareness as well as to protect the men and women who identify as potential recruits in order to win the war on social media and defeat ISIS’s schematics though social media. This specific article targets men and women around the globe whom use social media for either personal or business purposes as well as any parent or grandparent who want to educate themselves and take a stand against this specific terrorist group.

Singer and Brooking believe the war on social media can be won and the government has already begun taking precautions, yet it is also up to men, women, and children to educate themselves and take a stand against these ISIS social media accounts.

Singer, P.W., and Emerson Brooking. “Terror On Twitter.” N.p., 11 Dec. 2015. Web. 24 Feb. 2016


One thought on “The War on Social Media

  1. This article could give parents chills after reading that a terrorist group in Syria could be contacting there child and attempting to recruit him or her. How could we stop these terrorist influences on our children? Our government is also using social media as a weapon to fight ISIS. How do we determine if more good or bad is coming from this war on social media?


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