Media Benefits for Children and Teenagers

-Joshua Brown


Seth Masket’s article, “Don’t Fear the Network: The Internet Is Changing the Way We Communicate for the Better” (2014), claims that new forms of communication have enhanced the way we communicate with each other and not ruined it. Masket backs up his claim with research that shows technology hasn’t negatively affected our means of communication. Masket’s purpose is to inform readers that technology helps to increase the efficiency of our communication since it can be accessed from anywhere. Given the content of the article, Masket is writing to individuals that have a negative image of social networking.

In the article, Masket describes how different forms of technology have changed the way we are able to communicate with each other for the better. The use of cellphones, email, and social networks have made it more efficient for individuals to stay in contact, plus they are easy to use. Masket supports his claims with research conducted by Barry Wellman, a sociologist and employee of NetLab at the University of Toronto who has been studying this topic for decades. Masket explains that society should not think of these technological changes as negative but to embrace them. The Internet isn’t replacing face to face conversations but increases the number of conversations individuals have with each other daily. I agree with Masket’s claim since emailing has made it very simple for students to communicate with their professors and vice versa. I agree with Masket since technology has helped me stay connected with my family in New York via Skype , text messaging, and emailing. Without these methods of communication it would be very difficult for me to stay in touch with my family.

Masket, Seth. “Don’t Fear the Network: The Internet Is Changing the Way We                    Communicate for the Better.” Pacific Standard. 2 June 2014. Web. <;.



One thought on “Media Benefits for Children and Teenagers

  1. I agree completely with this article. Enhancement of communication could not be stated any better. If you think about how many more potentials there are for people to learn new languages and talk on a global scale its exciting and insightful. How many people would benefit from being fluent in 3 or 4 languages? My guess is everyone.


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